We Have Had some epic and wonderful humpback sightings over the last weeks
Our tours are now being disrupted by strong easterly winds which make conditions impossible for whale watching as…
Our tours are now being disrupted by strong easterly winds which make conditions impossible for whale watching as…
Who Just Keeps On Giving So Much Pleasure. Countless Minke and Short beaked Common Dolphins also feeding on…
We have been literally blown away with Humpback Logged as HBIRL82 also Called Mr. Humpy Or Harry. and…
Together with lunge feeding Minke’s, Dolphins and Manx Shearwaters, Gannets, and gulls all in the mix. Sequence on…
We have been humbled by being able witness tail flukes and thrilled by Bubble feeding captured by Dan…
See here some great footage of a Minke having a good look at us between feeding frenzies
So much activity it was hard to keep up with the numbers of Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises Seals and…